Last week I did Dr. Oz's 3-Day Detox Cleanse. As stated on the show, the food cost was less than $16 a day. If you know me off the web, you know I did the math ;) The link to the list of foods is below.
The breakfast drink was delicious and went down well. Surprisingly, hunger was not an issue even when lunchtime came and you're supposed to drink the green monster below. Perhaps it's easier to swallow if you use a juicer versus a blender, but there still seems to be something inherently wrong with trying to
drink 4 stalks of celery. Not until the third day of the detox was I hungry enough at lunch to force down a good amount of this drink.
Lunch drink |
The dinner drink was delicious and had a kick to it with the cayenne pepper that's in the recipe. On the site some people didn't like this drink. I truly cannot understand how you can choke down the lunch drink and not tolerate a drink that is mostly blueberry-flavored. Maybe it's a blueberry bias.
Dinner Drink
In closing, I felt great after doing this three day detox. Can't say if I lost any weight as did the participants on the show (because I don't own a scale) but my mood did improve. Another surprise was that I did not miss eating meat at all during those three days. So give this a try if you're doing No Meat March and then tell us what you think of it in the comments.