Feb 29, 2012

Losing Wait

Absolutely loving the blog post Losing Wait from Mary Kay's CMO Sheryl Adkins-Green! Obviously she's not talking about the weight that most people resolve to lose every new year, but the "wait" she mentions is just as if not more important.

I've decided to replace my "wait" with "S.T.A.R.T" also...

• S= Start smaller to achieve bigger. In other words, I break my goal down into manageable and achievable segments, instead of a big chunk that will overwhelm me.
• T= Target a specific time each day to work on my goal, even if it’s only 30 minutes. I literally schedule it. I make an appointment with me and I keep it!
• A= Ask for help and accept help. So often, we’re so busy doing for others that we feel that we can’t or shouldn’t ask for help. Yet we all have at least one friend or family member who is willing and able to support our goal. We just need to ask!
• R= Reward my progress. It’s important to celebrate each success along the way, no matter how small. Plus, who doesn’t love a reason to get a new pair of shoes?
• T= Treat time as my most precious resource and make every minute count.

What are you going to "start" when you lose your "wait"?


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