Yes, it's our new year here at ECV. June is when our other activities slow down so that ECV can rev up. Expect more news on businesses and events we love! Expect how-to videos and other new features!
To help us make sure we provide the best possible service, the long-awaited previously mentioned survey is now up and running. Please answer it and receive a free stamp on the new digital frequent shopper punch cards. If you'd prefer a regular frequent shopper card, just let us know and we'll get you one.
Expect a new post at least every month, however during the summer they may come more often as the site can be updated on the go.
Keep an eye out for our Summer Sales! For any product orders, we strongly suggest choosing direct delivery as personal deliveries may be harder to schedule due to everyone's summer travel plans.
And finally, as always anyone looking for a business opportunity is encouraged to either call or shoot us an email. Also if you have a business or service that you'd like us to promote, contact us about obtaining an entry in our digital networking portfolio.
Happy New Year!!!
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